Natural Spaces
The protection of natural areas with high ecological or scenic value is essential for their conservation.
We believe that the protection of these areas is essential for the tourism sector, since the tourist's choice of the Canary Islands as a destination depends on their good condition.
The promotion to the tourist of these spaces as well as the measures for their correct conservation is vital, as well as a differentiating element.
The Mogán Princess Hotel (red circle) has 4 Natura 2000 sites nearby:
This monument is a voluminous structure, on the summits of a larger massif, formed by piles of lava flows from the first volcanic cycle. The floristic community of the area is made up of two well-defined plant formations, cardonal-tabaibal in the lower areas and Pinus canariensis pine forest in the higher areas together with scrubland. Above 400 m.a.s.l. there are isolated specimens of junipers, a species that indicates the existence of a transition zone between the cardonal-tabaibal and the pine forest. The area is home to endemic species of interest such as Teline rosmarinifolia. The area is also home to one of the few existing populations of Globularia salicina in Gran Canaria. The area was declared a SPA because of the presence of the blue chaffinch (Fringilla teydea polatzeki), together with the great spotted woodpecker, but a census carried out in 1991 showed the absence of the latter species in the area, possibly due to its decline.
Area bordering the sea, where there are alternating knives and ravines formed by ancient geological materials (basaltic lava flows). Area with a high quality for conservation-very high, by the presence of an excellent representation of tabaibales of Euphorbia balsamifera and cardonales of Euphorbia canariensis, and the high landscape value derived from the unique geomorphological composition.
Its declaration is due to the presence of natural habitats of interest and the species of community interest Caretta caretta (loggerhead turtle) and Tursiops truncatus (bottlenose dolphin).
Natura 2000 is an ecological network of European biodiversity conservation areas.
These natural areas belong to Natura 2000. Its purpose is to ensure the long-term survival of species and to halt the habitat types in Europe.